Clients are enrolled in one of two PATH projects depending on their Prior Living Situation. Any situation other than Place not meant for habitation (couch surfing, emergency shelter, motel voucher, etc) means the client should be enrolled in PATH Supportive Services instead of Street Outreach. Please make sure you enroll the client in the correct project! Both projects use the same workflow which is detailed below.
- Project Start (Entry)
- PATH Specific Questions (Engagement and Enrollment)
- Interim Reviews (Contacts)
- Service Transactions
- Referrals and Enter Data As Mode
- Exit
- PATH Report
- Program Manual
Project Start (Entry)
Once you have determined which PATH project the client should be enrolled in, you will use a typical ClientPoint workflow to create the entry. The start date for the entry should be the same date as your first contact with the client.
You may not be able to fill out all assessment questions for this client yet, and that is okay. You must have the client's full name and DOB (estimate is fine). You can come back and answer the other questions later as you learn more about the client. You should aim to have the entry completed as soon as possible while still maintaining a positive relationship with the client.
When you ask the client questions from the entry assessment, make sure you are asking what the status was as of the entry date. Even if it is several months later, the entry assessment should reflect the client's situation as of the project start date. If changes have occurred since the entry date, you can update the answers in an interim review.
PATH Specific Questions (Engagement and Enrollment)
If the Date of Engagement and/or Date of PATH Status Determination are the same as the Entry Date, they can be filled out on the entry. Otherwise, they should be added in an Interim Review.
- Date of Engagement is the date you do a deliberate client assessment with the client. The content of this assessment is not recorded in HMIS
- You should only have one date of engagement. Once it has been entered, it does not change on following Interim Reviews
- Date of Engagement must be on or before the Date of PATH Status Determination (below)
- Clients must have a Date of Engagement to pull into reports
- By the Date of Engagement, your entry should be almost completely filled out
- PATH Status
- Date of PATH Status Determination is the date that you determined the Client Became Enrolled in PATH question is Yes or No
- If Yes, this is the date the client agreed to engage in services
- Date of PATH Status Determination is on or after Date of Engagement
- If Client Became Enrolled in PATH is No, you will need to answer the If no, reason not enrolled question
- Date of PATH Status Determination is the date that you determined the Client Became Enrolled in PATH question is Yes or No
- Connection with SOAR
- This can be asked as "Have you ever been connected to SOAR?". You do not have to be the provider that connected the client to SOAR
- This answer can change over time and should be updated on an interim review if it does change
Interim Reviews (Contacts)
An Interim Review must be recorded every time you contact a client. A contact is recorded each time you update the Current Living Situation on an Interim Review. You can also make updates to income, health insurance, date of engagement, etc on an interim.
To create an interim review:
Step 1 - Go to the client’s record in ClientPoint
Step 2 - Go to the list of Entry/Exits via ClientPoint
TIP: You will not see the required links from the Client Summary Page!
Step 3 - Click on the Interim icon
Step 4 - In the Interim Reviews Pop-up Screen, click on Add Interim Review button

Step 7 - Update any other information that has changed since the entry date (income, disabilities, Date of Engagment, etc). For any items in a HUD verification table, remember to end date the old record one day before the interim and add a new record. See the instructions on Updating HUD Verification for full details.
Service Transactions
All PATH-funded services should be recorded using service transactions. The PATH report will only count services that occur on or after the Date of PATH Status Determination is Yes.
To create a service, go to the Service Transactions tab of the client's profile in ClientPoint and click Add Service.
Make sure the Service Provider is the project the client is enrolled in, the Start Date and End Date are both complete, and the correct Service Type is selected. (If the Service Type you want is not in the dropdown menu, click the Look Up button to find the appropriate service type.) Then click Save & Continue.
You will need to fill out the Type of PATH FUNDED Service Provided. Reference the PATH Program Manual for definitions. The transaction will not report on the PATH report if this question is blank.
If the service has a cost you are writing a check for (like rent payment), make sure you fill out the Number of Units, Unit Type, and expand the Apply Funds for Service section to Add Funding Source for the payment.
At the bottom of the Service Transaction, make sure you fill out the Need Status and click Save & Exit.
Referrals and Enter Data As Mode
Referrals only count on reports if you follow all of the steps below:
- You must be in Enter Data As mode for the project the client is enrolled in. You will not have the correct Referral options if you are not in EDA mode.
- Client Living Situation (Contacts) must be updated
- The client must have a date of engagement
- The Client Became Enrolled in PATH question must say Yes and the Date of PATH Status Determination must be filled out.
To create a referral, go to the Service Transactions tab of the client's profile in ClientPoint and click Add Referrals.
Select Information and Referral from the Service Code Quicklist. Then click Add Terms
Select Generic Referral as your Provider (Hint: if this does not show up, you forgot to switch into EDA mode!) and Add Provider
In the Referral Data section, fill out the Date of the referral, the Type of PATH Referral, and the Outcome. You can fill out the Follow Up information if you would like to be reminded to follow up with the client, but these fields are not required.
The Referrals section will show the need you created. Be sure to check the box to associate the referral with this need. Then fill out the Need Status/Outcome and click Save ALL.
Clients should be exited when you know that you will no longer be working with them (they have a successful exit, the Client Became Enrolled in PATH question is No, or they decline further services). If a client has not been contacted in at least 90 days, they must be exited from the project.
Anyone with an ART license can run the report to view the list of clients who haven’t had any contacts or transactions in the last 90 days. You may have to ask your agency admin to run this report for you using these instructions:
Run the Open Street Outreach EEs report available in lane_county_live --> Street Outreach folder. You can either click on the title of the report to run it or the 3 dots next to it to Schedule the report.
Select your Street Outreach project(s) as the Provider(s) and then click Run. Leave the EDA Provider as Default.
This report will show all clients who are enrolled in your project as of today. Clients with IDs in red have not received a transaction or contact in more than 90 days and should be exited. Clients highlighted in yellow have not received a transaction or contact in 60-89 days. Anyone who has never received a service will have NO SERVICES in all caps in the Last Service date column.
There is a second tab on the report that will break out the client list by case manager. This only works if you have been recording Case Manager in the Case Manager tab and/or Case Notes in the Case Plans tab of the client profile. See more information at the top of the report.
PATH Report
To access this report, click on Reports in the left menu and then click on PATH
Select the project you'd like to run the report on and the date range. Then click Build Report and the report will load when it has finished running.
You should review each section of the report to make sure that it accurately reflects the activities of the project. Pay special attention to:
- The number of clients in line 8 vs line 15. Line 8 is the total list of clients who have been contacted during the period, while line 18 is the total list of clients who have the PATH specific questions completed. Only clients in line 15 are counted in the rest of the fields in the report. Make sure the number of clients in line 15 is accurate before you try to correct other errors.
- The Referrals Provided section. Remember that referrals are only counted if they have been recorded using the EDA workflow explained in the Referrals section of this guide.
- Outcomes and Destination at Exit sections. The outcomes of your project are measured by comparing the information from the entry assessment to the interims and exit. Make sure that your entry assessment gets completed and information is updated through interims when the client's situation changes.
Program Manual
If you have additional questions, please refer to the PATH Program Manual. PATH has specific guidance and definitions so you should always follow the guidance in this manual.
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