What's New on the HelpDesk

Modified on Mon, 17 Mar at 1:24 PM

When there are major changes made to an article or a new guide is published, you will see it listed here. Minor updates to formatting or wording will not be included. 

Remember that you can request a new article by emailing HSDHelpDesk@lanecountyor.gov or submitting a ticket. You can request changes to an existing article by contacting us or by responding "No" to the "Did you find it helpful?" question at the bottom of any article.

New Article - Agency Admin ManualsThis article contains the downloads of two agency admin manuals. One is for running and understanding reports. The other is for agency and user tasks.03/17/2025
Updated Article - Flowchart of HUD's Definition of Chronic HomelessnessNew linear flowchart added. Every yes answer moves you down the chart. Every no answer move you to the side of the chart.03/04/2025
Article Update- Creating a Front Door AssessmentThe additions to this article show how to fill out the two new tables added to the FDA. They are the Coordinated Entry Assessment table and the Coordinated Entry Event table.1/25/2025
Update- Training CalendarThe training calendar for 2025 is here! Come see what trainings will be offered and when in this newest update.12/13/2024
New Interactive Training-
Fixing Errors- Error Island Escape Room
This training covers some of the most common errors that users make, and how to fix them once they are made. A short clip will show you a scenario and you are given options to "see" the error being fixed, "try" to fix the error yourself with some guidance, or "fix" the error with no help in order to move on. As you fix things, you will collect all the ingredients needed to keep the squirrels away before they get all your food.12/13/2024
New Interactive Training - The Great CAPER CaperThis training starts you out with running a CAPER report. Then using the CAPER, you will find errors in the program entries and make the corrections to each client record. This is part of the Escape Room series.10/21/2024
New Video - Permanent Supportive Housing WorkflowThis video goes through what is involved in the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) workflow.
New Training- Length of Time Homeless using the 3-year Housing HistoryInteractive training that uses the 3-year housing history to help practice filling out the Length of Time Homeless section found on the assessments.9/11/2024
New Article - Table of ContentsA table of contents listing all available articles on FreshDesk. This would be a good guide to browse if you are not sure exactly which topic you need. 8/14/2024
New Feature - Training CalendarA calendar listing all the trainings currently available and the months in which each will be held is posted for 2024. 8/2/2024
New Training - Housing Move-In Dates
This interactive training is for PSH and RRH users who use interim reviews in order to enter housing move-in dates.
New Guides - Workflow One-SheetersWorkflow overviews formatted to give the important information about each workflow type (SO, ES, RRH, PSH, HP, TH). The new guides are located in the Quick Reference Guides section of the training page.7/30/2024
New Video - Rapid Rehousing WorkflowThis video goes through what is involved in the Rapid Rehousing (RRH) workflow.7/30/2024
New Training - Reading a Client ProfileThis interactive training is for all users to practice reading and understanding what is shown on a client profile, entry/exits, and service transactions to help determine eligibility in a program and to help make better decisions when helping a client.
Article Update - Entering Data As (EDA) ModeUpdated EDA list of Provider / Projects.  
New Interactive Training- Shelters Module TrainingThis training will walk the user through using the Shelters module. Practice includes entering in a household, using the Enter Household Data button, minor changes in the HUD Verification tables, and exiting the household. 4-17-2024
New Article - DQ for YHDP Entry AssessmentsThis report checks that all assessment fields are complete for YHDP projects.  4-3-2024
New Article- RRH & PSH Enrollments and Move-In Dates
This article explains the Business Objects report for Rapid Rehousing (RRH) and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) projects. The report checks for possible errors with client enrollments and housing move-in dates (HMID). 
New Interactive Training- Agency Admin PracticeThis interactive training is for new agency admins to practice using the WellSky navigation menu, and learn about the ESG CAPER and DQ for Entry Assessments report.2-29-2024
New Article - Backdating a Shelter StayThis article provides guidance on how to change a shelter stay to an earlier date without deleting the entry assessment information.1-30-2024
New Article - Permanent Supportive Housing WorkflowThis article provides guidance on how to complete the HMIS data entry process for clients enrolled in PSH projects. 1-24-2024
New Article - Shelter Stays DQ Report (Business Objects)This article explains how to use the newly published Shelter Stays Data Quality Report in Business Objects. 1-24-2024
New Category - TrainingThis category housing articles related to training for HMIS.1-1-2024
New Article - HMIS TrainingThis article contains training for HMIS, including videos and interactive practice.1-1-2024
New Article - Scans WorkflowThis article provides guidance on how to use the Scans workflow in WellSky to record services transactions for multiple clients at one time. 12-7-2023
Article update - Intake FormsLC Coordinated Entry (CE) / Centralized Waitlist (CWL) Form updated to meet new FDA requirements as of 12/1/23. 12-6-2023
Article update - Intake Forms
Spanish Intake Forms now meet the FY24 Data Standards.
New Article - Daily Unit Report (WellSky)This article explains how to use the Daily Unit Report for Shelterpoint projects in WellSky.11-6-2023
Article update - Intake FormsUpdated to match new FY24 data standards.  New forms for PLUS - COC/ESG, PLUS - Street Outreach, and YHDP.  10-10-2023
Article update - DQ Report Abbreviation GuideUpdated to match new FY24 data standards, add instructions on how to match assessment questions with the Excel columns, and added a table with further descriptions.  10-4-2023
New article - Oct 2023 Data Standards Update: Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Prior Living Situation QuestionsThis article explains the changes in the HMIS according to the new data standards requirement published October 1, 2023.  Major changes: Race / Ethnicity / Gender / Translation Assistance.  9-25-2023
Article Updates - AllStarting 8/4, the HMIS staff is replacing all Freshdesk articles with new screenshots that match the new WellSky design.  8-4-2023
New article - ALL IN / EO Rapid Re-housing WorkflowThis article is for All In (Executive Order-funded) Rapid Re-housing projects. It is not for Rehousing Street Outreach or Rehousing Diversion.7-28-2023
New article - All In / EO Prevention Projects WorkflowThis article is for All In (Executive Order-funded) Prevention projects6-30-2023
Article update - Service Type Table
Updated specific HMIS requirements for services depending on type.  6-29-2023
Report update - Street Outreach Workflow and PATH Workflow
A new, easier-to-run Street Outreach report has been published! The instructions on this report are in the reports section of both workflows.12-9-2022
New article - How is HMIS Data Used? (Tableau)This article links to HSD's public Tableau page and explains how HMIS data is represented in Tableau dashboards9-26-2022
New article - RRH & PSH Training RecordingUploaded recording and slides from training on 7-227-22-2022

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